Synbio® technology is a patented technology developed by Chrisal. This technology uses synbiotics as 100% natural ingredients.

Synbiotics are a unique combination of prebiotics and probiotics, formulated and stabilized by Chrisal. Synbio® technology units the best of nature and science to strengthen the microbiome for a healthier world.


Prebiotics are the sugar that promotes the growth of good bacteria. Prebiotics are only consumed by good bacteria. They help to develop a stable environment to strengthen the good bacteria in our body and our surrounding


They are good bacteria that are beneficial to human and animal health. These natural microorganisms are found everywhere, in nature, in and out of the human body. Together with prebiotics, probiotics help to create a diverse and healthy microbiome.


Our skin is one of the largest organs of the human body. It is also the first barrier to protect us against any harm like infection for instance. Our skin is the habitat of millions of micro-organisms also known as the microbiome.

Skincare products, on the market, kills all bacteria on our skin, thus leaving our skin vulnerable to diseases.

Chrisal develops Synbiosheild with the synbio® technology that creates a protective microbiome that offers many advantages and benefits.