To enjoy the maximum effect and advantages of the synbiotic technology, the products themselves must of course meet several important quality criteria. Working with live probiotics and natural prebiotics is not easy and requires expertise!

Product composition

The selection of the types of probiotics and prebiotics is crucial for the proper functioning of the product. A wide variety of species is available and it is very important to know what effect a particular species has under certain conditions. Chrisal has been researching for many years to select the most performing probiotic bacteria and prebiotic sugars for the desired application. For example, a probiotic Lactobacillus, known from the probiotic food supplements, will be practically worthless for skin applications. The Bacillus strains that Chrisal uses are ultra performant and naturally occur on the skin!

Product stability

The number of pre-and probiotics in the product is also very important. Often the organic or microbial pollution on the skin is very strong. A synbiotic product with only a few probiotics will not work. Chrisal products contain an absolute minimum of 50 million probiotics per ml. Certain products go up to half a billion per ml! The prebiotics and prebiotics also have to survive the entire life of the product. Chrisal is by far the market leader instability and gives all its products a shelf life of at least 3 years!

Product quality

To guarantee the proper functioning and safety of each product, a solid quality system is of great importance. Chrisal has had the ISO9001 quality certificate since 1999. This guarantees the proper functioning of the entire company.

Besides, Chrisal has 2 laboratories that are equipped with all required, modern technology to be able to perform thorough quality control. Producing products with probiotics is not easy and guaranteeing purity requires modern equipment and specialized lab technicians.